Friday, July 20, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Our Weekend with the Grandparents
First of all...a great big THANK YOU to my parents. We spent the entire weekend from 5pm on Friday (when we arrived) through 6:30pm on Sunday (when we left) up there in Maine! We haven't been up there since before Rebekah was born, and the few times before that we only went up for the day and maybe one overnight. It had become so difficult to travel with all of the food we had to cart with us, and we were still novices when it came to what we could and couldn't eat at the time. This time however, my parents, in an effort to help us out so we could spend the whole weekend without bringing our own refrigerator and cupboard of goodies, went shopping to pick up what it was we would need. Again, thank you for doing that. You don't know how much easier you made it for us.
Having done all of that, we were able to really sit back and just enjoy the weekend. When we arrived Friday night, it was just in time to let the boys play a little in the sandbox before bath and bed. (They were exhausted from blueberry picking that morning...see previous post)We began our Saturday morning with a tasty breakfast and coffee, before heading outside. We wanted to try to keep the kids semi-clean because we were going to visit their Great-Grandmother in the nursing home over in Portland. Little did we know that Uncle Larry planned to wash his truck that morning...and the boys decided to help!
They actually did pretty well in staying dry...mostly due to Uncle Larry not relinquishing control over the hose! It's amazing how much fun soap bubbles, water, and a rag can be!! They had a great time when we did our cars a few weekends they were quite experienced!
When they were done, we packed up and headed to Portland to visit my grandmother. She has dementia as well as several other medical conditions that require her to have constant care...she's been there for close to a year now! It's heartbreaking to see her there especially when the one thing she remembers and wants so just to go home. (She thinks home is back where she grew up when she was a little girl)
Anyway, I haven't seen her since before Rebekah was born, and wanted to have her see her great-grand kids. It always puts a smile on her face. Plus, we discovered a new snack for her to enjoy...Pirate Booty. She doesn't eat much anymore, and what she does eat she tends to complain about. The Pirate Booty however, she ate non-stop, right from the kids snack container!! She even asked my Mom to buy some more for her to bring at the next visit.
Sorry for the long post...we just had such a great time...and took a lot of pictures that just need to be posted!! :)When we came back from that visit, we had some lunch and then went swimming! We haven't been swimming in a very long time...but Ethan remembered the pool. Joshua wasn't walking the last time we were there, so wasn't nearly as excited at the prospect of this "swimming thing".
As you can see the boys had swimmies on this time. Mike and I aren't big fans of using them because we want the kids to learn how to swim properly..,but since we so rarely go swimming, (and we haven't the money for swim lessons right now)we figured it would be a good idea due to Ethan's impulsiveness! Ethan thought it was great, and after awhile we were able to take them off so he could swim under the water. Great workout for the upper body muscle tone. Joshua didn't like them at all, so we took them off. He had no interest in leaving my body. If he could have I think he would have sat on top of my head the whole time and maybe just dunk his feet in. He was much happier sitting on the steps doing just that.
It was a wonderful Saturday, and the kids were absolutely exhausted after all of the fresh air and exercise...we spoiled them with Snickers Ice Cream Bars for supper, (yup, 100% gluten free!)and then got them in bed.
I'll post pictures and such for Sunday later...Rebekah is done with sitting in my lap while doing this post.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Out and About
As our family grows, we (I should say "I" since during the week all outings are done by yours truly!) find it more of a challenge just to get out of the house never mind to a final destination!!
Although it has slowed us down a bit, I nevertheless venture out with my three little monkeys in our "Van O Kids" to various destinations. Usually, I have my sanity somewhat in tact before we leave, rarely do I have it when we come home!
On this particular day, Friday the 13th, I was prepared to travel and meet a friend with three of her own little I new I'd be in good company.
We decided to head out blueberry picking at this little place called Blueberry Bay Farm in Stratham, NH. We had gone there last year...and the blueberries were fantastic. The kids had a great time sampling from the bush, and absolutely loved the Blueberry Lemonade (yes, now I remember having it last year!). At the time, between my friend and I we only had four of our little ones...this time we were seriously outnumbered.
I know I really shouldn't have, but I was prepared for the worst...exasperation followed by much yelling, disciplining, and threats to leave if things didn't change...but was pleasantly surprised by how great everything went.All of the kids seemed to really enjoy themselves...Ethan and his friend walked, (ran mostly, as well as jump and fall down whenever they could) Joshua and his friend got to ride in the wagon that I brought, and the babies took turns riding in front packs and the stroller. Not only did we manage to pick a couple of pounds of blueberries, but we even made it back to the cars to have a little picnic lunch before going.
All and all we had a great morning...and lots of yummy blueberries as well!