Our Family

Our Family
"These are the children God has graciously given to me. (us)" - Genesis 33:5

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Ethan finally had some OT yesterday. It had been three weeks since his last session due to circumstances. Boy, did he need his therapy. We can most definitely tell when he has gone without. Even Jessica, his OT can tell when he's gone without. We haven't been doing his Therapeutic Listening either...bad mommy...I just don't remember!

However, we are now going to have to prepare Ethan for a change. Miss Jess, as Ethan calls her, will be leaving Easter Seals. The change will happen at the end of August. We were hoping to help him transition to another OT that he's worked with in the past. Unfortunately, they are all booked up, and haven't a slot of time to put him in. So, not only will he not see Jessica anymore, but he may not receive OT there anymore.
That may be a problem for a couple of reasons...he loves to play in that room (and who wouldn't?? It's a child's play land!). He also has made a great friend with the receptionist, Kathy. I'm not sure if it's because she actually listens to what he has to say, let's him sit behind the desk with her, or gives him chocolate kisses when he comes out of therapy, (hmmm) but he will definitely miss seeing her as well.

All I know, is that therapy won't be the same without Miss Jess. She is absolutely awesome with him. You can tell she loves to work with the kids because they just love to be with her.

As we were leaving yesterday, we parted ways saying our goodbyes, as usual. Well, Ethan stopped dead in his tracks, said "hold up, hold up, wait a minute, I forgot something" and went racing back to Jessica to give her a big hug and kiss, and to tell her he loved her. Jessica and I looked at each other and without saying anything...just new that this one is gonna be tough.

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