We can't believe our little girl is two years old...technically yesterday...but since we are doing her cake tonight, she got her crown and a post on the blog. She has been practicing her "blowing out the candles" technique over the past few weeks by attempting to blow out our Advent candles each night. We'll see how she does tonight!
In a house FULL of boys, this little girl has managed to live up to her "pretty little thing that no one will mess with" reputation. She is all girly on the outside, but inside she's a fierce bear that when riled, will strike out quite un-girly like...and smile when she's all done.
Having a birthday not only around Christmas time, but just before the New Year is proving to be difficult for us. There really isn't a good time to do any kind of party the way we do for her brothers, so instead we are celebrating with those who dare to venture out tonight to come to our house and bring in the New Year. We couldn't think of a better way to start off 2009 than by celebrating our little girl!
Happy Birthday Rekekah! We love you!